A quick response to amcoolio
Hey it's Cryo.
I just wanted to leave a response to a recent review. There have been a few remarks similar to this one and although I've repeated this speil several times, I still want to make this clear.
I am still writing for CTU. Some of the changes are due to Clovis taking over as co-owner and animation head of CTU, but many of the changes are of my own volition. I personally approved each episode as well as did much of the writing for this episode.
I understand that there will be people who won't like the new directions CTU is taking, just as some people will love it. I appreciate that each person is going to have their own opinion and you are free to hate it if you see fit. But I just want to make it clear that I am on board for the new CTU episodes and Clovis is in no way "ruining my series". If anyone is doing that, it's me ^_^.
So long story short, CTU is still a conjunction between me and Clovis. There are bound to be changes, but I approve of the changes we are making and I'm humbly requesting people stop placing the blame on any personal dislikes of the new EPs on Clovis' shoulders. I have complete faith in his abilities and I think you will see that this combination of powers will pay off for the better in the long run.
- Cryo